~ Gustav is now a Category 1 Hurricane ~
The maps below illustrate the potential destruction that is to come. New Orleans residents are already beginning to evacuate. I expect this storm may reach Category 5 intensity somewhere in the wide-open gulf, but it WILL weaken before landfall. I expect it to hit the coast 75 - 200 miles west of New Orleans. Please stay tuned to the Tyler's Weather.com Blog.

Close-Up Landfall:

you were way off with your first guess...it will never become a cat 5...MAYBE a cat 4 over the gulf but no better than cat 3 for landfall...and I bet everything you say is overhyped about 40%.
I was very accurate from the start, if you ever saw my first "POTENTIAL LANDFALL ZONES" map. I had three arrows: one facing Texas, one at the TX/LA border, and one just a bit more east. It looks like my arrow that was the most east will win the forecast prize.
As for forecast intensity, IT WILL become a Category 4 OR 5 over the central Gulf. There are nice 90 temperatures in that water.
I forecasted a category 3 OR 4 for a landfall.
So read up on all of my forecasts, and don't try to screw youself over. I am very proud that I was always forecasting a MORE WESTERLY LANDFALL!
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