- Winter Storm Warning
- Flood Watch
- A major storm is currently tracking up through the eastern half of the United States, and it is running into cold, low-level air that is stubborn to budge. The precipitation will begin between 5PM and 7PM, delivering snow. The snow will fall at rates of over 1" per hour at times.
- Total Snow: 2-5"
- After midnight, the snow will mix with sleet and then change to freezing rain. This will continue for a prolonged period of time, likely into the morning commute.
- Total Ice: .25-.75"
- The precipitation will change to plain rain in the early-middle morning. In the afternoon, indications show that the rain will fall at EXCESSIVE rates. By Thursday morning, a dangerous amount of runoff will be occurring. Keep in mind, only 2" of rain usually causes Bristol's rivers & streams to burst over their banks...
- Total Rain: 2-4"